Attention Medicaid Providers: The Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) recently published an update to the Dental-related Services billing guide.
To align with holistic and integrated health, the Health Care Authority (HCA) has added pediatric dental topics to the newly created Pediatric Health listserv. Last month, HCA announced the creation of this new listserv to ensure providers who offer services to children and youth receive updates specific to pediatric policy and program updates.
Orthodontic billing: Periodic orthodontic treatment visits (CDT® D8670) must be billed in three-month intervals. The first three-month interval begins after the initial placement date. The claim must include the appliance placement date and must match the banding claim that the Health Care Authority (HCA) has reimbursed. If that date does not match, the periodic (D8670) orthodontic treatment claim will be denied