Apr 05, 2023
Effective June 27, 2023, prescribers of controlled substances, including dentists, must complete eight hours of one-time training on safely prescribing controlled substances (Schedules II, III, IV, and/or V) in order to receive or renew their registration with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Apr 05, 2023
Dental professionals looking for a volunteer opportunity can sign up to volunteer for the 2023 Seattle/King County Clinic, held April 27-30 at Seattle Center.
Apr 05, 2023
The ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership (IDL) is designed to enhance the leadership skills of dentists who belong to racial, ethnic and/or gender backgrounds that have been traditionally underrepresented in leadership roles. Apply by April 28.
Apr 05, 2023
WSDA wants eligible dental practices to be aware of the opportunity to claim the Employee Retention Credit, but we encourage practices to exercise caution in who they work with, as the credit has been the subject of recent fraud.
Apr 05, 2023
Register for PNDC 2023 by Friday, April 28 to save up to $100/person on registration! Earn 20+ CE credits, shop the Exhibit Hall (now open on Saturday), enjoy special events and more all for one low price. WSDA members register for just $350 ($225 for recent dental school grads) at the Early Bird price.
Mar 31, 2023
By March 29, bills must have been voted out of their opposite house policy committee to stay “alive” and continue along in the legislative process. Bills that have been sent to a fiscal committee in the opposite house have until April 4 to pass out of committee. Read for an update of WSDA’s week 12 activities in Olympia.